
Make a Change in Your Community

It takes more than hope to see positive changes happen in your community. It takes action.

Set someone up for success today!

Every dollar donated results in two dollars.  Through current partnerships we are able match your donation dollar for dollar to support more people. SNAP2Jobs is formally registered with the IRS as PrismXL Services Inc., a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Our program operates as SNAP2Jobs. Your donation is tax-deductible. After each donation you will receive an email receipt for use as your official donation record for tax purposes.

Your Gift Makes a Difference

100% of every donation provides direct support to help Job Seekers achieve success.

Encourages a Job Seeker to get started in the program.
Provides a Job Seeker with money to assist with interview clothing or interview transportation.
Helps a Job Seeker overcome multiple obstacles to completing the 4-week program.
Provides a Job Seeker with updated technology needed to compete in the job market.
Empowers 6 Job Seekers to get started with our program, leading to 2-3 good jobs.
Provides a pathway to higher-paying jobs through access to skills development programs.
Provides access to apprentice and certifications programs that lead to career-level jobs.

Working Together Things are Changing

In just 14 months, SNAP2Jobs has helped hundreds of people make a change in their life and move toward self-sufficiency.  Your donation will help ensure hundreds more have access to these high-impact programs. Take a look at the impact SNAP2Jobs has made so far! (March 2023)

Job Seekers Engaged in the Program

Job Seeking

Better Jobs

Job Seeking

New Job Seeker Annual Earning Power

Job Seeking